Speaker: Jim Harris
Affiliation: International Crane Foundation
Time: Dec. 23, 2014
Year: 2014
Large herbivore ecology in space and time
Speaker: Farshid Ahrestani
Affiliation: The Pennsylvania State University
Time: Dec.16, 2014
Essential Oils and Case Studies on Aromatic Plants of New or Potential Sources for EOs
Speaker: DU Zhizhi
Affiliation: Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS
Time: Dec. 9, 2014
Exploring the roles of soil community characteristics in delivering soil ecosystem functions
Speaker: LIU Manqiang
Affiliation: Nanjing Agricultural University
Time: Dec 2,2014
Stages of development of the Palaeogene flora in the Tethys region of western Eurasia (European Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan)
Speaker: Sergei Vikulin
Affiliation: Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Time: Nov. 20, 2014
Drivers and limitations of gene flow in mangroves: from local to regional scale
Speaker: Alison Wee
Affiliation: Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS
Time: Nov. 18, 2014
Fig wasp community structure: insights from a widely introduced fig tree
Speaker: Stephen Compton
Affiliation: University of Leeds, UK
Time: Nov. 11, 2014
Molecular Tools for Increasing Storage Lipid Content in Plants
Speaker: Randall Weselake
Affiliation: University of Alberta(Canada)
Time: Nov. 4, 2014
Maternal control of seed oil content in Brassica napus
Speaker: HU Zhiyong
Affiliation: Oil Crops Research Institute, Chinese Aacademy of Agricultutal Sciences
Time: Nov. 4, 2014
Study on unisexual flowers of cucumber and sex differentiation in plants
Speaker: BAI Shunong
Affiliation: Peking University
Time: Oct. 28, 2014